Harris County Sequential Intercept Model

Intercept 3


The Harris Center Jail Based Services

Detention Crisis Intervention Response Team

The HCSO Jail was one of the first county jails in the nation to start a Crisis Intervention Response Team (CIRT) program. CIRT deputies are called to help de-escalate inmates in serious mental health crises, inmates who are violent, and inmates committing an infraction. If an inmate requires medical and/or mental health treatment, a CIRT team will transport the inmate to the medical infirmary. Jail CIRT teams are two-person. When possible, deputies of different ethnic backgrounds and gender are paired.

Mental Health Infirmary

The Mental Health Infirmary is comprised of two housing units with a total of 108 beds. The infirmary is for the most serious mentally ill inmates. It is staffed 24/7 by Mental Health Unit detention officers, nurses, psychiatric technicians, and mental health professionals from The Harris Center. Services include: treatment planning, medication management, group therapy, and substance abuse counseling.

Mental Health Step-Down Unit

This is a 284-bed unit for inmates who require increased monitoring or inmates who have chronic mental illnesses but who are not exhibiting acute signs of mental illness. Programs within the step-down unit include a 20-bed Social Learning Unit, a 20-bed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Unit for males only, and a Mental Health Jail Diversion Program. This is an integrated treatment program addressing mental health, chemical dependency, physical health and criminogenic risk factors.